Rotorua Canopy Tours Blog

How we built the best zipline in New Zealand and the world

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Creating the best zipline in New Zealand that would stand out above the rest is no easy feat, but this was the aspirational goal of Rotorua Canopy Tours founders James Fitzgerald and Andrew Blackford. 


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Canopy Tours

Friday, 19 July 2019

Canopy Tours Founder, James Fitzgerald thought that ziplining would be a fun and exciting way to experience the native forest that we were so lucky to have on our doorstep, 7 years on, Canopy Tours has been named one of the best experiences New Zealand has to offer! 

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About us at Rotorua Canopy Tours

Tuesday, 13 November 2018

Rotorua Canopy Tours is an Eco adventure through 1000 year old native forest. The popular adventure activity has only been running for six years and we have come a long way since the doors opened back in 2012. From the initial idea being sparked back in 2008 to our huge conservation success in the forest and also winning national prestigious awards, Rotorua Canopy Tours has a lot to share so find out more about us below.

Photo: The Rotorua Canopy Tours team that has helped make Rotorua Canopy Tours what it is today

From the beginning

Rotorua Canopy Tours didn't just pop up one day and become an overnight success. There was years of planning and researching zip line courses before the build starting taking place in 2012 and then after six months of hard work the doors were opened to the public. James Fitzgerald and Andrew Blackford are the brains behind Rotorua Canopy Tours - find out here how Rotorua Canopy Tours began.

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Facing your fears of heights on a Rotorua Canopy Tour

Wednesday, 14 November 2018

By Tash Johnson (Canopy Tours Guide)

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Treetop canopy tours from dreams to reality

Friday, 19 July 2019

Treetop canopy tours took nearly 5 years from the spark of inspiration until the first customers came on one of our treetop canopy tours with us. Since then over 128,000 guests have enjoyed the magic of this native New Zealand forest.

So if you’re interested – here’s the story of how our zipline tours all began...

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Rotorua Canopy Tours 2018 Conservation Updates

Tuesday, 13 November 2018

Conservation at Rotorua Canopy Tours has been a part of our journey since the beginning back in 2012. We are hugely passionate about our environment and we are working hard to get New Zealand pest free by 2050. We have started this work at Dansey Road Scenic Reserve where our ziplining courses are located. We have seen major differences in the forest already due to our work, but we know there is still so much to do - if you haven't heard how Rotorua Canopy Tours began and how this conservation idea was sparked have a read here!

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Pest free in NZ - trapping in your own backyard!

Wednesday, 29 August 2018

Making NZ pest free is a country-wide goal by 2050. Initiated by the New Zealand Government, it's a massive task that can only be achieved through the support of all Kiwis. As part of our conservation programme, we like to look a little further than our forest and explore how everyone can help contribute to 'Pest Free 2050'.

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Canopy adventure zipline tours takes top award

Friday, 19 July 2019

Canopy adventure zipline tours has a massive year in 2016. The zipline buisness based in Rotorua took out the tourism industry's top prize, the Air New Zealand Supreme Tourism Award at a glitzy black tie event in Auckland. As well as the Supreme Award Rotorua Canopy Tours also won the Environmental Tourism Award and the Visitor Experience Award.

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Why ziplining tours are awesome family friendly activities in Rotorua?

Monday, 24 September 2018

Taking your family on holiday is special but spending time doing fun, family activities is when the happy memories are created. Experiencing a zipline tour with Rotorua Canopy Tours is a perfect activity suitable for your whole family. It can be enjoyed by kids as young as 6 and our oldest customer we have had on tour was 93. Here's why we think Rotorua Canopy Tours is an awesome family activity:

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