Rotorua Canopy Tours Blog

About us at Rotorua Canopy Tours

Tuesday, 13 November 2018

Rotorua Canopy Tours is an Eco adventure through 1000 year old native forest. The popular adventure activity has only been running for six years and we have come a long way since the doors opened back in 2012. From the initial idea being sparked back in 2008 to our huge conservation success in the forest and also winning national prestigious awards, Rotorua Canopy Tours has a lot to share so find out more about us below.


Photo: The Rotorua Canopy Tours team that has helped make Rotorua Canopy Tours what it is today

From the beginning

Rotorua Canopy Tours didn't just pop up one day and become an overnight success. There was years of planning and researching zip line courses before the build starting taking place in 2012 and then after six months of hard work the doors were opened to the public. James Fitzgerald and Andrew Blackford are the brains behind Rotorua Canopy Tours - find out here how Rotorua Canopy Tours began.

Conservation at Rotorua Canopy Tours

Conservation has been an important part of Rotorua Canopy Tours and since the start we have been actively involved in our Conservation Programme. After six years of trapping in the native forest where the Canopy Tours are held we have finally trapped 250 hectares with more than 1000 automated Goodnature traps placed around the forest. 2018 has been a big year for Conservation - check out everything you need to know here.


Photo: Phase three of the trapping programme helping us get one step closer to our goal of having a pest free forest

Rotorua Canopy Tours Success

For being a company that has only been around for 6 years Rotorua Canopy Tours has been recognised for it's success in local and national awards. Taking out the New Zealand Supreme Tourism Award in 2016 was a major national award and then we came back home to Rotorua to take out the Supreme Award at the Rotorua Business Excellence Awards. We were also lucky enough to take out a few more awards that were massive for us, find out more about our awards.

Topics: About Us