Rotorua Canopy Tours Blog

Why ziplining tours are awesome family friendly activities in Rotorua?

Monday, 24 September 2018

Taking your family on holiday is special but spending time doing fun, family activities is when the happy memories are created. Experiencing a zipline tour with Rotorua Canopy Tours is a perfect activity suitable for your whole family. It can be enjoyed by kids as young as 6 and our oldest customer we have had on tour was 93. Here's why we think Rotorua Canopy Tours is an awesome family activity:You can enjoy each others company with less people around

We take a maximum of 10 people on our tours along with 2 of our awesome guides, making the tours very personal and unique. Our zipline tours are an awesome family activity to enjoy one another’s company without having big lines and crowds of people. You can experience the peaceful sound of nature and create memories with your family members without being distracted by anything else. 

Zipline Tour

Photo: A father with his daughters enjoying their Rotorua Canopy Tour immersed in the native forest

Educational as well as an exciting adventure

Rotorua Canopy Tours is very popular for being an adrenaline filled zipline tour, but the tour is also very educational which is just as exciting as the ziplining - we promise! Rotorua Canopy Tours has worked hard to restore the forest to it's natural state by trapping the possums and rats that are destroying New Zealand's native forest. You will learn about the changes to the forest since 2012 to now and even see and hear the native birds returning to their home habitat. This is very interesting conservation education that even your kids will love - that's why Rotorua Canopy Tours is one of the best activities to do in Rotorua during the school holidays. 

Enjoy the nature of the forest
We can get so caught up in technology and the craziness of life that we don’t stop to appreciate the beautiful country we either live in or have the opportunity to travel in. Coming on a zipline tour with the family will help avoid the distractions of phones, TV's and everyday chores. Instead you can appreciate the sounds of birds singing and create lifelong memories with your family 220 meters up a rimu tree – not many people can say they have done that before!

Zipline Tour - Rotorua Canopy Tours

Photo: The young ones out having fun while enjoying the fresh air 

Support one another through the fears 

Those people that have a fear of heights can only overcome the fear by the support of others, especially our loved ones - those ones we trust. Everyday we get lots of people nervous about being at a height - our kiwi guides are highly trained and AWESOME at helping our guests to conquer their fear of heights. But we do know that having family or our loved ones there to support us will be the best encouragement that we need. 

We love taking families through our zipline tours. We promise you will come back from your tour with memories you will cherish forever and then you will understand why our ziplining tours are awesome family friendly activities in Rotorua

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