Rotorua Canopy Tours Blog

Ten things you should never do on a New Zealand Road Trip

Sunday, 7 June 2020

There’s nothing better than packing up bags, piling the kids in the car and hitting the highway for a good old-fashioned family New Zealand road trip. While holidays are all about ditching the rules, we've put together some tips to make your New Zealand road trip more fun when you have little ones in the car.

  1. Don’t fit too much into one day

  2. Don’t forget the snack bag

  3. Don’t leave the bug spray behind

  4. Don’t forget to plan ahead

  5. Don’t drive for too long

  6. Don’t forget to have fun along the way

  7. Don’t stay indoors. Plan lots of outdoor activities

  8. Don’t forget backseat games

  9. Don’t be rigid with your itinerary

  10. Don’t plan big hikes


1. Don’t fit too much into one day

There’s a lot to see and do on a New Zealand road trip. Pace yourself, take plenty of breaks and don't try to see everything at once. Build in plenty of time in the day for the children to relax, snack and stretch their legs.

Kiwi family new zeealand road trip Photo: Taking in the scenery is half the fun on a New Zealand road trip so enjoy it at a slower pace


2. Don’t forget the snack bag

Avoid ‘hangry’ backseat passengers by ensuring you’ve got plenty of easy-to-eat snacks, especially when you’re on one of New Zealand’s country roads with not many places to stop for a bite.


3. Don’t leave the bug spray behind

You really don’t want the sand flies or mosquitoes feasting on tender skin, especially if you’re planning to camp or visit Fiordland! Keep soothing creams and anti-histamine handy too. Also on the essentials list for a New Zealand road trip are sunscreen, hat and sunglasses.


4. Don’t forget to plan ahead

Even if you’re taking the road less travelled. Map out your New Zealand road trip route carefully, allowing plenty of pit stops for fuel, the toilet or just a run around. Pack as efficiently as possible (a hard task when you have children around!) and make sure you have easy access inside the vehicle for important items.


5. Don’t drive for too long

Add time for a stretch and set-out on your New Zealand road trip at a time that works in with your kids’ timings. Nothing gets tantrums going quicker than little bodies strapped to a car seat for too long! And don’t forget that New Zealand roads can be quite unforgiving, often winding, crooked and gnarly. Keep that in mind when picking your New Zealand road trip routes.

Kiwi Family New Zealand Road Trip Photo: Plan for stops along the way to make the drive easier - like enjoying a kiwi favourite of Fish and Chips


6. Don’t forget to have fun along the way

Family road trips are just as much about the journey and the fun things you enjoy together along the way. Look to stop every couple of hours, checking out local playgrounds and attractions. Make a picnic of meal times – it is super fun!


7. Don’t stay indoors. Plan lots of outdoor activities

The best part of New Zealand lies outside the four walls and in the lap of nature. Put your explorer hats on and get amidst it, ziplining among ancient trees, walking over swing bridges and experiencing nature first-hand.


8. Don’t forget backseat games

Keeping the kids entertained is a must. Babies tend to be happy travellers as long as they have their car seat toys, while toddlers love sing-along CD’s. Try some old fashioned family New Zealand road trip games too, ones that involve the kids looking outside the window to spot interesting things.

Kiwi family New Zealand road trip Photo: When your trip isn't time rigid you can stop when you see a perfect scenic spot and enjoy some family time


9. Don’t be rigid with your itinerary

Things will occasionally not go according to plan – there will be surprises and last-minute changes, rain, scraped knees, late nights and early mornings. Be prepared for every scenario and just go with the flow. Luckily New Zealand is the sort of country where unplanned adventures often get you to the most memorable spots.


10. Don’t plan big hikes

Some of the best parts about a New Zealand road trip holiday are the nature walks or hikes you undertake (really, you cannot do without at least one!). For the sake of your little ones, keep these short, carry the essentials in a backpack and be prepared to answer a lot of questions about the native flora and fauna.


Check out things to do in New Zealand or top 10 North Island family activities for more ideas for your New Zealand holiday.

Find more New Zealand Itineraries here


Topics: Things to do in NZ, New Zealand Itineraries